We put in at Robert Allen access and proceeded out into the Florida pool where we sailed around for a couple hours before heading to the raft up location.
Winds got sporatic so we furled the sails, lowered the Etec and rocketed over to Ski Cove a few miles away.
There were a dozen sailboats ranging in size from 19 to 37 feet. Galactica is 26 foot long.
Angie suggested trying a wooden TV tray from home for a pedestal table in the cockpit. The pedestal tables are extremely costly, several hundred for a decent one. The TV tray worked Perfectly!!!
We enjoyed a 'pass the dish' meal with the rest of the fleet. It really hit the spot. At sunset, Babe 2 fired a cannon in sunset salute! That was REALLY cool! I know what I want for Galactica... a nice little brass cannon! Here is a quick video of that cannon salute! Cannon Salute!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG408qWVJCs
Here is a picture of my Galley mod before I mounted the 3 burner stove onto it. Worked GREAT!
We spent in the night in sailor fellowship with song, booze, snacks, guitar and stories.
The next morning, the raft up broke up and we spent the day sailing. The winds were 15-20 knots. We started with the Mainsail reefed and the Genny partially furled. After tacking out of Ski Cove, we reduced headsail more as we reached the main lake.
We beat to windward for a couple hours, here is a video link as we were nearing the Dam and preparing to tack, close to the shore! Preparing to Tack Galactica! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3FdiJv3R8w
After breaking for lunch and nap in twin forks cove, we rejoined part of the fleet for an 'easy' sail under full Genoa only. A gust washed our leeward windows as we heeled over 45 degrees! It was a lot of fun tacking in succession.
Here is a link to a video from Galactica, following the fleet into the cut by the silo into Indian Creek cove: Sailing with the fleet! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA-Ys34hiQM
Galactica rafted with Wild Goose, a 32' Oday and Higher Porpoise (tartan37) Everyone toured Galactica and Tom told some humorous stories.
We left early Monday morning and swung by Indian Creek Marina for a peek at a Mac 26X which we were told berthed there. I couldn't see a name on the boat.
We loaded onto the trailer with no difficulties...probably because nobody was waiting to use the ramp... :)
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